I help you overcome unexplained symptoms and restore your health using advanced diagnostic testing and combined strategies from allopathic, alternative and functional medicine.

Dana is a Nurse Practitioner, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Health Consultant.

Functional Medicine saved my health when western medicine had no explanations or solutions for me, even after I became a Nurse Practitioner and could appreciate and validate the effort that was made. It also saved my career when I was seriously considering doing anything else in the world as long as it wasn’t working in a traditional healthcare setting that has been ruined by corporate greed and micromanaged by insurance companies.

Fitting into a healthcare setting seeing 40 + patients a day and feeling like I truly can’t help any of them, having to recommend blanket prevention and treatments across all populations, ages and conditions that changed by the day and not being allowed to share my honest apprehension is not a setting that I belong in.

I empower people to be able to make their own health decisions, I am sure that I am sharing all of the information that I have. I am happy to answer questions, and find the answers for you if I do not know offhand.

Healthcare resources needed improvement prior to the pandemic, post pandemic strain has made the weak areas even more evident and undeniable. One of these areas is the true promotion of health – There is a population of “well” people that are systemically neglected. Age 21-50 years with no significant diagnosis might see a primary care provider once a year for 15 minutes or so, maybe they get a seasonal illness and stop by an Urgent Care. Other than that, for roughly 30 years, what health guidance is out there for this population? This is a critical time to be making appropriate lifestyle choices and make changes now that will impact how you age.

Getting older is not a diagnosis, and it is not an acceptable explanation for symptoms that are experienced when one is barely halfway through the average life expectancy.

It all started when I was personally and professionally let down by modern healthcare...

Since being old enough to be aware of my body, I felt like something was off…

I was probably around 13 the first time I discussed my lack of metabolism with my healthcare provider, I ate pretty well, I was involved in plenty of sports… the calories in – calories out explanation was not making any sense as to why despite my efforts I was carrying extra weight. Being at an age where body image is so critical, this wasn’t a “I hate the way I look…” issue, at times I did, but this was legitimate concern about why it seemed like I would gain 10 pounds if I looked at a cheez-it.

I ate the vegetables, the fruit. I exercised. I was tired all the time, one of the times I was positive for mono. But it seemed I had been waiting for the fatigue piece of that virus to resolve for a decade plus. About every 3 years or so it would build up to a point of impact that would lead me inquiring about these symptoms again, having some labs done, to be normal, or even a little abnormal but not diagnostic. I was dysfunctionally functional so it was hard to prove how awful I felt because I was still getting things done. For the most part,my motivation was the idea that not getting those things done was only going to make me feel worse which was the last thing I needed.

But it provided an excuse, “of course your tired, you have practice and school and work..” “of course you’re stressed, it’s senior year.” This then became “of course you’re tired, you just had a baby.” I was tired, but I got used to being tired. Then there were mood swings, skin changes, migraines, IBS symptoms. So, I became a nurse, knowing so much more about the human body, my lab results didn’t make any sense to me.

How could I feel so chronically run down and have near perfect labs. I needed to know more I saw gastroenterology and neurology, more tests, no answers. I became a Nurse Practitioner. Throughout school, learning about most uncommon disease processes made me wonder if that was my answer, it was a great study tool, but didn’t help me. I was able to review my lab work and agree that nothing explained my battle with my metabolism or my other symptoms.

But then everything changed...