
I do not see myself writing just for the sake of literature or profit-making; not just creating for the sake of art or advertising. I would rather strive to be an eclectic combination of a strategic thinker, a persuasive wordsmith and a growth mentor. Someone who leads by example and inspires with action to build an army of giants who optimize the world in more ways than our current world leaders can think of.


I am a person who, if living in a drought-stricken village wouldn’t draw multiple buckets of water every day for his life with daily hard work. I am an ardent believer of smart-work and would rather execute multiple innovative strategies to automate my requirement for a long-term solution that benefits my entire community. I want to templatize the world to optimize time, effort and money, without compromising on the charm of variety.


I believe that my passion comes from being a doer and not a dreamer. I am someone who practices the true essence of creativity with ideation, visualization, wordplay in daily work and life. Puns, rhymes and metaphors are like breakfast, lunch and dinner for me, with periodic beverages of portmanteau. Strategy and productivity planning are my pillars of success. While brainstorming and mindmapping is what keeps me ticking.