Kinesiologist & Chinese medicine
Languages: Mandarin, Malaysian, Cantonese
Specializes in
a. Kinesiology
b. Chinese medicine
c. Dr. Chuah was born in Malaysia, studied in Sydney UNSW. She worked in
Concord Hospital, Heathcote GP, Eastern Suburbs as a GP.
d. She speaks English and mandarin. Dr. Chuah’s interests are mental health,
women’s health, counselling and Kinesiology.
e. Kinesiology is a holistic approach which uses the gentle art of muscle
monitoring to access information about a person’s wellbeing.
f. Kinesiology originated in the 1970’s, it combines western techniques and
eastern wisdom to promote physical emotional, mental and spiritual health.
g. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal
energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual.